Saturday, June 8, 2013

Scripture Study-President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

“Walking in Circles
Dieter F. Uchtdorf, June 2013 Ensign(first Presidency Message)))

The Landmark of General Conference

The instructions given at general conference are another landmark that can help us know if we are on course.
Occasionally I ask myself, “Did I listen to the words given by the men and women who spoke at the most recent general conference of the Church? Have I read and reread their words? Have I pondered them and applied them to my life? Or have I just enjoyed the fine talks and neglected to apply their inspired messages in my personal life?”
Maybe while you were listening or reading, you jotted down a note or two. Perhaps you made a commitment to do some things better or differently. Just think about the messages of last general conference. Many encouraged us to strengthen our families and improve our marriages. This issue of the Liahona also focuses on these eternal values, with many practical recommendations to bless our lives.
Are we noting and applying this worthwhile counsel? Are we recognizing and walking toward these real and valuable landmarks?

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